What is a Brand? Glad you asked…

…It’s an Idea, Not a thing. It's an attempt to shift one’s perceptions, that you can influence but not control. A visually coherent identifiable design approach running through all facets of your business appearance.

Well, that’s a decent attempt at a fancy description.

Branding can do a few things. Done well you become that brand that can subconsciously suck eyeballs in and create a long-term unspoken appeal and reputation for whatever it is you do, sell, or service. Or the opposite, having people calling to haggle price as you honestly, look like a $2 shop.
Good branding, it’s the difference between just saying “we are experts” and actually showing you are “Experts”.
We cannot all be branded the same. We don't all move, work, or share the same skills to be branded the same. So, we work on a look to translate what it is you do, in the market you are in, and to capture those eyeballs, then grab me by the scrotum and kick them in the guts…

…Then sell them something!…

…Too much?

El Studio is available to work with marketing agencies as well. Ey!, you're too busy with spreadsheets anyways!